Be Awesome. Don’t Die.  

Avalanche Safety Made Simple

We’re on a mission to save lives from avalanches… and help everyone enjoy the backcountry safely.

Why did we do it?

Let’s be honest, we’ve all felt frustrated by the complexity of the avalanche forecast, uncertain where to ride, even after we’ve taken avalanche courses, and scared we’ll die in an avalanche

We Hear you.  We Know you.  We Got you.

I’m Jeff Banks, an internationally certified mountain guide, avalanche survivor and educator for over 20years.

I’ve lost 13 friends and colleagues to avalanches.

My life’s work:  How do we do risky things in the mountains the safest way possible?  

We created AspectAvy so our backcountry community can enjoy long and adventurous lives.

The problem:

  • Avalanche safety has always been about Reactive Avalanche Gear that digs you out of avalanches once you’re already buried.

  • All the other backcountry apps have fixed slope shading. That means it looks the same in June as in January.

  • Roughly 95% of the people in Avalanche terrain don’t have avy training!

  • There were nearly 1,000 reported human triggered avalanches in CO alone last year

  • Think the problem is only for newbies? Even mountain professionals report being avalanched around two times each winter… and they’re the super experts! 

The Solution: Aspect Avy.

  • We built Aspect Avy to solve the problem we’ve struggled with ourselves for decades.  

  • Other app’s CEO’s are from Amazon and the corporate world.  Ours is a mountain guide who trains U.S. Special Forces, Mountain Guides and people like you in avalanche safety. They have customers -We have community members

  • Aspect Avy is 100% funded by that community

  • Aspect Avy is the first Preventive Avalanche Safety Tool designed to keep you out of avalanches in the first place, not just rescue you once you’ve already been caught.     

  • Aspect Avy’s Adaptive Slope Shading (ASS) changes with the forecast and you can update it live with your observations in the field, even when you’re offline.

  • Aspect Avy is like a virtual coach, helping you through your tour. It’s like having a mountain guide in your pocket.

Beta testing in Iceland

Here’s what people are saying about AspectAvy

Testimonials from Mountain Guides + Public